How Office Managers can save Money on Medical Waste Disposal

In the past couple of years, the medical supply and healthcare industry has dealt with many new issues that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic. The governmental waste disposal fines have increased due to landfills’ stricter regulations, and construction costs have also increased.

Medical supplies have also increased dramatically due to the medical equipment supply-chain shortage caused by the 2019 pandemic. The weight of these issues is then assigned to company purchasing and office managers in charge of purchasing and selecting medical waste suppliers, distributors, and disposal services.

This is where MedPro Disposal can help, and listed below is how we can provide a simple and affordable solution to these current issues.

What are some of the common fines or penalties for Waste Disposal Violations?

The Environmental Protection Agency has raised fines for improper waste disposal in the past four years to ensure compliance with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.

Currently, penalties for non-compliance with RCRA laws range from $22,500 to over $92,000. In addition, failure to comply with proper pharmaceutical waste disposal, biohazardous disposal, pathological waste disposal, or sharps disposal could result in fines from other government agencies found within the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Clean Water Act, and Compensation and Liability Act.

Certain waste disposal guidelines are specific to each state in terms of the type of violation and the amount the company will be fined. For example, in Illinois (Public Act), knowingly the incorrect disposal of hazardous waste is considered a Criminal Disposal of Hazardous Waste and a Class 2 Felony.

Violating this law would result in a $500,000 fine for each offense. To avoid spending thousands of dollars on penalties, all office managers and companies should hire a proper waste disposal company, such as MedPro Waste Disposal.

Medical Equipment Prices Continue to Soar

The increase in basic medical and surgical equipment prices has been facing supply shortages in the past three years caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The increase in hospitalization among COVID-19 patients resulted in the depletion of personal protective equipment, testing supplies and equipment, dialysis-related products, and ventilation-related products. Due to the shortage of medical equipment in the medical supplies, prices have increased by 46% since the end of 2021.

The price increase hasn’t slowed down much in the current year and will most likely take a long time for the prices to go down to what they cost before the pandemic. This has also created issues for companies that purchase or sell medical supplies, as they must pay nearly double the price they were paying.

The price increase also affected purchasing and office managers as they are in charge of purchasing the stores and are looking for cheaper and somewhat reliable options. Unfortunately, purchasing medical supplies also requires purchasing the correct disposable supplies or company to dispose of them properly. However, there are still reliable and less expensive options to dispose of medical waste.

At MedPro Waste Disposal, we aim to provide our customers with a reliable and cost-effective alternative for regulated medical waste services. We have saved the average customer up to 30% off their current medical waste disposal and compliance services rate while dedicating our time to satisfy our customers’ waste disposal needs.


The price of medical supplies will continue to increase as the supply chain is still recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic and will be expensive regardless of the supplier you purchase from. At the same time, your company may be overpaying for medical supplies that don’t mean that you will be overpaying for medical waste disposal.

MedPro Waste Disposal will supply the necessary disposal supplies and handle all the hassle of disposing of medical waste. So avoid stressing about spending too much on disposing of your medical waste. Contact us now at (888) 641-6131 or Book a 15-30 minutes appointment with a dedicated customer advocate to discuss your Medical Waste Disposal options.

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