
We are one of the nation’s top medical
waste disposal companies

We service 48 states in the US, providing our clients with the quality care and exceptional service that you have come to expect from your medical waste hauler and the peace of mind that your medical waste is being disposed of properly.

We are the best in the business, offering exceptional customer service and competitive pricing for your medical waste disposal service. With 24/7 live support available to answer any questions, you can rest assured that your disposal needs are taken care of by a company devoted to providing quality service from start to finish.

Discover your
local savings

If you’re a healthcare facility, you know the amount of waste generated daily. Whatever state you are in the US, it’s always important to find cost-effective ways to dispose of this waste. But many times, regulations and compliance rules make it a painless process.

The MedPro Disposal Solution makes this process more straightforward than ever before. First, discover how much you can save when you make the switch. Then, click through your state on the map below.

Discover Your Local Savings


We have a mission to make the US
a safe place for healthcare practices.

MedPro is here to help you focus on what matters most by providing you with a cost-effective alternative for regulated medical waste services, pharmaceutical disposal, and compliance solutions with best-in-class client service.

We have done this by ensuring our processes are efficient, our costs are low, and we offer value to our clients and vendors through our commitment to sustainability.

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