Ice Cream Social

Mint Chocolate Chip, Cookie Dough, Chocolate, Vanilla, Man, I’m getting hungry again, just writing this!

Last week, MedPro Disposal, had the first Ice Cream social of the year! It was an excellent way for the interns, including myself, to formally meet everyone, especially the people we hadn’t gotten the chance to meet yet.

As it was the Thursday of a major golf event in the US Open, during the Ice cream social, we had the luxury of watching some great golf. I would say at least 75% of our employees had their eyes locked in on that big flat-screen TV watching Rickie Fowler shoot the lowest score ever for a US Open.

All the interns, including myself, got some solid time to talk to George for a bit of check-in about everything and how the internship was going. We all told him the same thing in that it was going great and told him about some of the projects we have been working on.

Now back to the ice cream- After that Ice cream social, I can positively say that Oberweis is the best in town. I discovered that the combination of Mint Chocolate Chip and Cookie Dough is marvelous. Throw some sprinkles and Hot fudge in there; there you have it, your perfect desert.

Many look past events like this and don’t think much of them. I think they matter in that when you get to know everyone in the office, it makes the work environment more fun and can add a new chemistry component to the office. Especially being new to the company, I appreciated meeting everyone and talking to new faces. Not to mention I didn’t mind stuffing my face with delicious ice cream.

Overall, this event was a great way to get the interns more involved in the workplace, and we all enjoyed it. We all appreciate Krystina for organizing this event. Be sure to check out the Picture down below from our Ice cream social. +

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