Back to School Special  

It is an exciting and hectic time of the year as we get ready for back-to-school season. From getting all the supplies on our lists to scheduling physicals and ensuring paperwork is ready for the little ones to comply with school rules. Many schools have regulations on specific vaccinations and physicals, which means the practice will generally have even more medical waste. 

Roughly 49.5 million students are enrolled in public schools, and an average of 23 vaccinations are given throughout the schooling life cycle. The number of vaccinations adds up to over 1 billion syringes that need proper disposal. That is strictly for mandatory vaccines required for the public school system, not including private schooling. With the number of syringes piling up, it is essential to have proper medical waste and sharps disposal. 

Proper medical waste and sharps disposal includes: 

  • Disposing of waste in correct containers with the correct labeling. 
  • Placing needles and other sharps in the proper FDA-cleared disposal container. 
  • Properly seal sharps in a proper container with the proper labeling. 
  • Keep sharps and sharp disposal containers out of reach of children and pets. 
  • Follow OSHA regulations as well as state and local regulations. 

With proper medical waste and sharps disposal, it is essential to ensure that everyone in the practice knows the procedures and compliance that come with it. Training is an essential part of any practice and can help to ensure that everything runs efficiently and within nationwide, state, and local regulations.  

In addition to medical waste and sharps disposal solutions, MedPro Disposal offers OSHA and HIPPA Compliance Training that will keep you updated with the times and allow you to learn more and increase your knowledge. Schedule compliance training today and get back to school ready!   

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