In the Eyes of the Intern: Sean 

Finding your skills and talents in the workplace is a challenging feat. However, this MedPro Disposal internship proved to be one of the most valuable experiences of my life. These past few months have been a tremendous learning and growing experience for me at a company with reasonable but ever-growing standards. Joining as a sales and marketing intern, I was granted a situation where I could explore different career avenues without committing to anything that I was apprehensive about trying. Having this flexibility led to an unbelievably productive and insightful summer! 

Not only was the experience conducive to growth but the tasks and responsibilities assigned to me helped me grasp a fuller understanding of the healthcare industry and the business world itself. With MedPro Disposal being a business-to-business (B2B) company, I learned about the everyday challenges of generating and closing leads. From digital marketing (SEO, social media, etc….) to outreach, every step was an opportunity to learn something new! Whether that something new was a new ai platform, a new skill, or a better understanding of how companies function internally or externally through partnerships with other companies. 

With all the new skills and a better understanding of the healthcare industry, I can confidently say that I have found an interest that suits my skill set. For the first month, I was looking to try everything, saying “yes” to every task possible despite the added workload. Yet even that helped me develop time management skills and efficiency that only the added pressure could have provided. Later in the internship, as the workflow slowed to a standard pace again, I found my groove, generating leads and creating contacts and addendums, later reaching out to those leads. 

After all my time at MedPro, I am incredibly gracious with the situation I was put in. I had great coworkers who have become good friends and mentors who helped me find a path to success and fulfillment this summer. I thank MedPro Disposal and everyone in the company for this opportunity to grow as a professional and a person! Thank you MedPro Disposal! 

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